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In this episode, we connect with Stephen P. Hinshaw, Ph.D., a Distinguished Professor of Psychology at UC Berkeley – where he was also Department Chair from 2004-2011.

In addition to his position at UC Berkeley, Dr. Hinshaw is also a Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at UC San Francisco.

In June 2017, Dr. Hinshaw published Another Kind of Madness: A Journey Through the Stigma and Hope of Mental Illness, a memoir that calls for an end to the dark shaming of mental illness. With his work primarily focusing on developmental psychopathology, clinical interventions with children and adolescents, and mental illness stigma, Dr. Hinshaw has earned himself an international presence in both clinical psychology and mental health…

Tune in now to learn about:

  • What led Dr. Hinshaw to pursue his research interests. 
  • How families can change the outcome of adolescent mental illness.
  • The importance of eradicating the stigma surrounding mental disorders. 
  • How individuals with mental health issues should approach employment.

To find out more about Dr. Hinshaw and his work, click here now!

Episode also available on Apple Podcasts:

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