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SciFest Dubai may be exactly what it sounds like: a festival celebrating science in Dubai. But there’s more to it than that; there’s a whole rationale and methodology to think about.

SciFest Dubai aims to celebrate science through the arts, in order to improve scientific literacy.

“If you look around you, there’s a lot of people who are intimidated by science,” explains festival co-founder Rohan Roberts. “That’s because of how it was taught in high school.”

For many, science is a huge, boring body of information that you have to memorize for a test. The goal of Roberts, and the festival, is to re-think science as a way of being in the world, a way of thinking.

Listen in to learn more about SciFest Dubai. Be sure to subscriber and review. And if you can, consider donating a few BitCoin to the podcast. Every little bit helps.

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