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Can mental and physical ailments be treated naturally without the use of prescription medication? Studies may suggest that essential oils may have the potential to treat a wide variety of issues.

Listen in to learn:

  • How gut health can affect your mental health
  • What ailments can be assisted by oils
  • How different nervous systems in the body operate and what they affect

Jodi Cohen, author and founder of Vibrant Blue Oils, shares her personal experience with the benefits of essential oils and discusses how they might help anyone with mental or physical ailments.

Essential Oils can impact five aspects of your health, including but not limited to stress, sleep, and detoxification.

Cohen’s recently released book takes a deep dive into each category and explains how certain oils may lend their benefits to different body parts and functions.

Inhaling or topically applying any of the oils can promote a healthy lifestyle, and each has its own benefits and drawbacks. Whether you want to do it yourself or prefer to find premixed oils with detailed instructions, there may be a solution waiting for you in the world of essential oils.

Visit to learn more.

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