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Leading by example is an extraordinary way to share wisdom and insight. In the case of Dr. Gladys McGarey, she has been doing this for the past 60 years – pioneering a new way of thinking about disease and health…

Dr. McGarey is internationally recognized as the “102-year-old Mother of Holistic Medicine”. As the author of The Well-Lived Life: A 102-Year-Old Doctor’s Six Secrets to Health and Happiness at Every Age, she wants to create a healthier and more joyful future by reframing how we approach healthcare and self-care.

Dr. McGarey has an ongoing life coaching practice, maintains a healthy diet, and continues to share her knowledge with everyone she can. What will you learn from her in this discussion? Click play to find out!

Join in now to discover:

  • Why Dr. Gladys sees disease as a teacher to learn from.
  • What the “5 L’s of healing” are.
  • Why some doctors can be cold and “unloving”.
  • The importance of listening to your inner being.

To learn more about Dr. Gladys McGarey and her work, you can visit her website here!

Episode also available on Apple Podcast:

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