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In the three years since BitSpace was founded, they have worked with many blockchain and exponential technology start-ups and businesses, providing everything from business consultations to assist with blockchain development.

Clients are taken on a case-by-case basis, and are mostly start-ups, though BitSpace will also work with established businesses. BitSpace also provides their clients access to their network of contacts through the annual events that they host–last year, their CryptoFinance event had hundreds of attendees from around the world. Overall, good candidates to work with them are start-ups and businesses that are looking for guidance, capital, or knowledge.

One of their biggest clients is BitGate, a trading platform that will allow users to access the decentralized economy with their BankID. BitSpace will be handling their ICO, which is set to begin in the next few months. Ivar also briefly discusses the changes that he has seen in cryptospace and in blockchain over the last few years and his thoughts on the present challenges for blockchain and cryptocurrency companies.

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