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In this episode, we are joined by Calix Lewis Reneau to discuss his take on anxiety and depression.

Calix is a producer and writer, known for films such as Child, Canyon Road, and The Emergent Lens. He is also the author of Dancing with the Black Dog, a book that provides advice, anecdotes, and insights from his experiences as a 30-year survivor of depression…

Emotions are the fundamental baseline of our existence. Calix seeks to explore this fact and familiarize readers with tools they can use to effectively manage and excel in the face of this debilitating and often-misunderstood disorder.

Jump into the conversation now to learn about:

  • Coping strategies to utilize for major depression.
  • What makes depression a biomedical issue.


  • What suicidal impulses can signify. 
  • Tips on how to deal with strong suicidal impulses. 
  • The importance of celebrating small victories. 

Want to find out more about Calix and his journey? Click here now!

Episode also available on Apple Podcast:

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