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What insight can be gained about humans by examining animals first?

If groups of animals are vulnerable to specific factors, chances are, humans may be too.

Press play to learn:

  • What increased vulnerability in animals can tell us about humans
  • If animals share behaviors with humans
  • How other species may be susceptible to breast cancer

Barbara Natterson Horowitz, a cardiologist and evolutionary biologist at Harvard Medical School, shares her work examining the natural world and gaining insights into the human experience.

Attempting to understand human health without examining that of animals and the planet tends to be relatively ineffective. However, by reviewing how disease and other processes emerge in other species, more can be learned about human vulnerability and how some negatives can be avoided.

By looking for other species that contain unique biology, there may be solutions to problems humans have been unable to solve. In the future, searching for plausible hypotheses is the primary goal of researchers in this field, hopefully leading to a rich source of insights.

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