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How can anxiety seep into the health and happiness of those suffering from it?

Due to its ability to control other processes in the body, it can be very detrimental to health.

Press play to learn:

  • How anxiety manifests itself within the body
  • How to help those around you with anxiety
  • The future of anxiety treatment

Christine Purdon, a professor at the University of Waterloo, shares her insight into the world of anxiety and depression.

While it may have initially been thought to only affect the mind, anxiety can have far-reaching negative impacts on the health and lifestyle of a patient. Due to this, there are specific ways to interact and attempt to help and understand those with anxiety around you.

From the outside, anxiety and depression can seem immaterial or “silly” if you have never undergone it. However, to best help those around you and gain a better understanding of the inner workings of anxiety and depression, better and more understanding communication is critical.

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