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In today’s episode, we connect with Joe Hoye, the founder of Hoye Fit and the host of the Midlife Makeover. Joe is a coach dedicated to helping women create lasting change – as he has empowered thousands of women to transform their bodies, health, and mindsets. In addition to his work with Hoye Fit and the Midlife Makeover, he is the creator of the Diet Detox Method, a cutting-edge approach to health and nutrition…

Joe believes that the best way to maintain a sustainable diet and exercise program is to find something that you enjoy. How has he used this mindset to help others achieve jaw-dropping results? Why is his passion for fitness so contagious? Click play to see for yourself!

Join in now to find out:

  • Why Joe chose to start coaching women over 50.
  • How the big-name diets have negatively impacted weight loss journeys.
  • What happens if your body is under stress for too long.
  • The biggest stumbling blocks for people trying to lose weight.

To learn more about how Joe is combining his fitness expertise with his medical background to help women create lasting change, visit his website now!

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