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Medtech Impact on Wellness

As you age, you lose stem cells.

Scientists have found that collecting younger samples of these cells can be effective for future medical treatment.

Being your own stem cell donor can come with a plethora of benefits, and many researchers believe that you will thank yourself later for thinking ahead. 

Joining us on this podcast is Steven Clausnitzer. Steven is the CEO and co-founder of Forever Labs, an adult stem cell banking and storage company. Forever Labs uses an outpatient procedure to harvest adult Mesenchymal stem cells for prospective medical treatments down the road. 

In this episode, you will hear Steven address topics such as:

  • The origins of Forever Labs.
  • The advantages of stem cell banking and storage. 
  • The procedures behind stem cell harvesting. 
  • How using stem cells prophylactically can prevent age-related diseases.  

This episode is sponsored by Bowmar Nutrition. To receive a 5% discount, use the code GENIUS5 at checkout.

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To learn more about Forever Labs and their services, you can visit

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