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Grant Johnson joins the podcast to share his valuable insights into the world of insurance and real estate. As the founder and principal agent at Varde Insurance Group, his passion for being a valuable insurance resource for his clients and partners revolves around one central purpose: to reach the most so he can help the most

Grant is a connector of people, resources, ideas, and solutions. Drawing from his undergrad education in psychology and master’s in counseling, he started Varde Insurance Group as a way to provide home, auto, life, and commercial insurance to clients at the best rates available.

In this conversation, we dive into:

  • What to look for when choosing insurance for investment properties.
  • How insurance has changed over the past two years, and why policies are becoming more restrictive.
  • The difference between low and high-risk insurance policies.
  • The ways that the pandemic impacted inflation.
  • Factors to consider when you have renters in a property that you own.

How does Grant add value to his clients, partners, and community? What are the benefits of taking a friendly consultative approach to insurance coverage? Click play now to see for yourself!

To learn more about Grant and Varde Insurance Group, click here now.

Episode also available on Apple Podcast:

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