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In this episode, our host, Richard Jacobs walks us through his recent visit to the Museum of Osteology in Oklahoma City, OK. With the many marvels he witnessed, Richard took numerous photographs and integrated 31 of them into a book – accompanied by 7 observations of what he saw. 

The Museum of Osteology focuses on the function and form of the skeletal system. It does so by displaying hundreds of skeletal remains from all over the world. The exhibits included in the museum are aimed at revealing the wonders of the vertebrate kingdom and celebrating the beauty of the natural world.

Listen to this podcast to hear Richard discuss:

  • The origins of the Museum of Osteology and the background its founder.
  • What is held inside the walls of the museum.
  • The 7 observations he had during his visit. 
  • The many interesting things that bones can do.

It’s important to remain interested in everything we do and to ask questions to continue to grow. Richard Jacobs gives us insight into how he did just that in this fascinating story about a simple visit to a museum in Oklahoma City.

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