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Think-It-Over Thursdays Tough Questions

How Does Quantum Behavior Show Up In Biological Systems?
Formulate your own answer, but you can also hear Clarice D. Aiello’s answer.
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When Does “Age-Related Fertility Decline” Typically Begin?
Formulate your own answer, but you can also hear Marcia C. Inhorn’s answer.
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What Are The Main Differences Between Male And Female Killer Whales?
Formulate your own answer, but you can also hear Isabella Reeves’ answer.
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How does fertility differ between men and women?
Formulate your own answer, but you can also hear Nikki Burnett’s answer.
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Headaches have specific patterns; how many are there, and what are they?
Formulate your own answer, but you can also hear Scott Vrzal’s answer.
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How are Christians typically perceived in secular environments?
Formulate your own answer, but you can also hear William Varner’s answer.
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Is intermittent fasting actually good for you?
Formulate your own answer, but you can also hear Robb Wolf’s answer.
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What are the consequences of living in isolated environments?
Formulate your own answer, but you can also hear Mark Lakeman’s answer.
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What are some of the main health benefits of eating a plant-based diet?
Formulate your own answer, but you can also hear Brenda Davis’ answer.
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What’s the science behind water vaporization?
Formulate your own answer, but you can also hear Mark Holtzapple’s answer.
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